Get your food hygiene qualifications with our Swansea team
Food hygiene training and food safety courses for food preparation companies
in the UK
Food safety training services with First Rate Training
Our team of consultant environmental health practitioners provide comprehensive food hygiene training. Courses can be delivered on site at your premises or at a venue provided by us. We aim to make our food courses fun and interesting, incorporating practical scenarios which are relevant to your working environment.
Training for catering staff at all levels
We provide training suitable for school leavers through to supervisory managers or put simply, for anyone who requires a thorough knowledge of food hygiene practices. We will ensure your food hygiene responsibilities are met by providing the highest standard of training.
For more information on our courses such as pricing, locations and availability contact us on
Telephone: 0800 197 5636
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.